Aim High
We have a strong long-term strategy and a fierce commitment to excellent execution.
Strategy: Our promise to deliver value: the things we do for our customers, now and in the future, that no other company can do as well. Making a better world through our products, services, and presence.
Execution: A dedication to excellence that seems almost obsessive to outsiders.
Value and Innovation: Depend on having strategy and execution fit together seamlessly.
Build on Strengths
Continuously demonstrate capabilities that our competitors can’t match.
The more knowledge we have about our own capabilities, the more opportunities we have to build on our strengths. We are always be analyzing what we do best, gathering data about our practices, and conducting post-mortems. In every case, there is something to learn — about our operations, and about the choices we make and the value we are able to deliver. Platform-based approach, which allows us to use and reuse the same designs for several different types of services - the benefits are immediate: lower costs, less technology risk, faster service time, and better reliability.
In the physical world, ambidexterity is the ability to use both hands with equal skill and versatility. In business, it’s the ability to manage strategy and execution with equal competence. We can think about the technical and operational details of a project in-depth and then, without missing a beat, can consider its broader ramifications for the industry. Strategy through execution.
Everyone’s Strategic Role
The people in our day-to-day operations —are continually called upon to make decisions on behalf of the business. They are motivated to deliver the strategy, and so the strategy reaches the customers. In order to gain greater personal commitment, we strive to ensure employees understand why their jobs make a difference, and why the companies advancement will help their advancement.
Aligned Structures to Strategy
Company’s intensive continuous improvement program.
Creating value through operational excellence.
Core Value Drivers:
quality as perceived by customers
on-time delivery
retention rates
positions filled by internal candidates
data analytics
financial metrics
Digital Technology
Embrace digital technology’s potential to transform our company: to create fundamentally new experiences and interactions for our customers, our employees, and every other constituent. Realize the potential in forming powerful new capabilities by combining business strategy, user experience, and technological prowess.
Keep It Simple, Sometimes
First, be as simple as possible. Second, let our company’s strategy be our guide in adding the right amount of complexity. Third, build the capabilities needed to effectively manage the complexity inherent in serving our markets and customers.
Shape Our Value Change
No company is an island. Every business relies on other companies in its network to help bring its products and services from one end of the value chain to the other.
Raising our game, we have raised the game of other operations we work with, including suppliers, distributors, retailers, brokers, and even regulators.
Since our partners are working with us on execution, they are actively involved in our strategy.
We have sold our strategy to them, getting them excited about taking the partnership to a whole new level.
Collective Company Culture
Strategy through execution is prevalent
Communication is fluid, open, and constant
Strategists understand what will work or not work because they talk easily with execution specialists
Execution specialists know not only what they’re supposed to do, but why it matters
Everyone moves quickly and decisively, because they have the ingrained judgment to know who to consult, and when.
People trust one another to make decisions on behalf of the whole.
Knowing what we do best allows us to be closer to you the customer who matters.
With this type of culture, people can focus on results.
Reach a higher level.